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Bunscoil Mhuire is Phádraig

Bunsocil Mhuire agus Phádraig was established in 1996 with a small number of students but a big vision. It was originally named Bunscoil Leath Chathail. It has since joined Bunsocil Mhuire is Phádraig as an Irish medium unit. More than 80 pupils are attending the school which has four Irish teachers and four classroom assistants.

Our Irish Speaking Primary School

Give you child the gift of bilingualism!

Research that children who are educated in Irish medium schools benefit from many academic advantages.

You can contact the bhunscoil at:

The Irish Unit
Bunscoil Mhuire is Phádraig
Sráid Éamonn
Dún Pádraig
BT30 6JD